AdvanTex ERP 10
What the users see from a piece of software is first and foremost theirs user interface. Here, AdvanTex appears modern and tidy with a modern Windows application: Everything looks immediately familiar, which not least reduces the training costs to a minimum and allows an extremely short familiarization phase.
Users who are already familiar with applications such as Microsoft Office or other standard Windows applications will become familiar find your way around quickly.
AdvanTex uses the same in all masks Shortcut keys for standard tasks such as creating, changing and deleting data as well as saving and canceling; the same applies to print and table functions.
The most important commands are directly accessible via icons, everything else is clearly arranged in the menu. For production there is special menus of 10, which allow easy selection of up to 10 menu items (by touchscreen if desired). Of course, you can adapt and freely define all of this yourself.
AdvanTex always requires one User login, which can be automated if desired. After that, AdvanTex restricts the interface to the functions that have been released for the user. You can carry out this type of configuration yourself after a very short time: This not only gives you a tidy system that does not represent more than the respective user needs, but also prevents the unintentional execution of actions and ensures the protection of your data from unauthorized access.
All table representations in AdvanTex can be accessed via the context menu (right mouse button) with just one click directly in Excel be opened. So if an evaluation is not possible directly with AdvanTex, you can always export the data to Excel (or any other spreadsheet). We can export to .csv, .xml and .html formats just as directly.
In the table view, you can sort (forwards/backwards) by simply clicking on the column headings, which also applies to the Sorting across multiple columns includes. You can change the column order, width and sort order and save them permanently if you wish. Just hide the columns you don't need, or bring important columns further to the front.
The one used so often in Excel Auto Filter is integrated into AdvanTex in an even more user-friendly manner. Simply right-click on a column heading and AdvanTex will show the list of occurring values for you to choose from, and AdvanTex will automatically filter for them - even in multiple columns at the same time.
For all reports - whether one of the more than 300 reports supplied or evaluations created via the "User-defined reports" module - we use an extreme powerful report designer, which allows you all options for the optical processing of the data. All supplied reports can also be adapted to your individual needs.
AdvanTex is multi-tenant. But that alone is often not the decisive factor. Because if you have two companies that are closely interlinked, then you don't want two completely separate clients.
In this case, AdvanTex even allows any number of companies to be managed in one client. Here it is necessary to check in each individual case which model suits your situation better and how AdvanTex should be configured by our consultants.
In AdvanTex you can also Open windows multiple times. For example, if you want to compare two customers with each other, just open the customer base twice and place the two masks next to each other. This work is much more pleasant than starting a software twice.
AdvanTex has one intelligent search mask, which makes it much easier to find data. Whether full-text search, search as a combination of several fields or the provisional hit list after entering just a few characters: with this solution you will quickly find the right one. And if not, you can continue searching with just one click, without having to retype everything.
Last but not least, we supply AdvanTex with a printed user manual out. Here your employees will find almost 850 pages of extensive information about the software, but also about typical business requirements. As you read, you will notice that we are from your industry!
working clothes
We manage the clothing of tens of millions of employees and ensure that everything is always provided in the right place.
Flat linen
Whether in the hotel or in the healthcare sector: our customers wash huge quantities of table and bed linen as well as terry cloth goods every day and AdvanTex keeps track of everything.
Residents' laundry
When processing the laundry of residents, AdvanTex provides a module so that the laundry always ends up with the right resident.
OR supplies
Produce sterile sets for the operating room of their hospital customers and manage stocks at the customer.
Mat and washroom
Regular delivery with possible seasonal changes for dust control mats or towel rolls is no problem here.
Purchasing and warehouse
Easily manage inventories, keep an eye on orders and deliveries of goods, across different warehouses and locations
transportation and logistics
Delivery notes, regular tours, rescheduling: everything that is part of the everyday life of the fleet is integrated.
Fakturierung and Buchhaltung
Billing at the push of a button: with AdvanTex, you can look forward to the billing process in a relaxed manner.
AdvanTex offers a wide range of evaluation options so that you always have an overview of your company.
It doesn't matter whether it's a small laundry or a group with many locations. AdvanTex grows with the requirements!
AdvanTex Online
Your customers can use the optionally available Internet portal to lend a hand: whether work clothing or flat linen – the portal allows customers to view data and make changes themselves.
Around the clock the customer can participate in the definition of the service and you still remain in control. All significant changes are automatically imported into AdvanTex and offered in the release portal for the last release by customer service.
This is intended to prevent a customer from testing a "Bugs Bunny" with a special size and 11-fold equipment, because the consistent functionality of AdvanTex would otherwise trigger an order directly. One click and all changes will be accepted or rejected. Everything is completely transparent for the end customer, who can also follow all these steps in the portal.
Around working clothes customers can view wearer lists in the portal, call up all detailed data for a wearer, adjust the equipment quantities and, for example, arrange for a size change. Requests for changes can be sent to an individual part or evaluations can be called up, e.g. about return parts that are still to be handed over. New carriers can be registered and existing carriers can be deregistered.
Within the Residents' laundry In future, the homes will be able to register and deregister residents online or arrange for a room, ward or cost center change. You can check the whereabouts of individual parts online and thus clarify complaints from residents directly.
For Flat linen customers can place orders online or take inventories and record them in the portal. The recorded data then leads to requirements in the flat linen module from AdvanTex, quantities no longer have to be typed in. In addition, the customer can change the fixed delivery quantities stored with him, if desired. In general, you can give customers the option of viewing delivery notes in the portal or even calling up invoices as .pdf files. The following applies in principle: you define which data a specific customer is allowed to see and what changes he should make. You can hide sensitive data such as response rates, age of textiles or prices, or only gradually release certain functions to users.
AdvanTex apps
app sales
The extensive AdvanTex App Sales allows employees in sales and customer service mobile access to customer and prospect data. Changes are synchronized online with the AdvanTex ERP. With the AdvanTex App Sales, the sales force has all communication with the customer at hand at all times. It is therefore possible to place recorded visit reports and any type of notes in the customer history of the AdvanTex ERP in a paperless and timely manner. This information can be further processed directly by the office staff. Offers or contracts can thus be created immediately.
Due to the central information base in the customer history in AdvanTex ERP, all employees with customer contact have the same level of knowledge.
Also without internet connection the user is provided with all information. The synchronization is simply caught up when the connection is restored. The user always has an overview of his synchronization status thanks to a traffic light.
By a integrated proximity search the field service employee receives a tool to find customers near his current location in order to sensibly fill unused time slots - e.g. due to spontaneous appointment cancellations - with a customer visit.
In addition, the tablet solution AdvanTex App Sales offers a modern way of presenting the product range of the textile service provider. Of the Article catalogue including the images and specifications etc. is always available and can be presented to the customer in large format in an elegant and modern way.
App order
The AdvanTex App Order offers a contemporary solution for recording laundry stocks or for entering orders in hospitals or care facilities. Inexpensive smartphones or tablets can be used with this app. Expensive and outdated recording devices that had to be laboriously integrated into the hospital infrastructure are now a thing of the past.
This app can be operated both in the customer's WLAN network and with a mobile phone card. This allows the new solution extremely fast bring to use.
To ensure that the app also meets the typical requirements in hospital environments, no online connection is required to record stocks/orders. In this case, the app would buffer the data and, if desired, automatically adjust it if there was a data connection. For better control, the employee can view his order/inventory history at any time.
The possibility of integrating TeamViewer into the app enables fast remote maintenance support without the hassle of traveling to the customer.
App Service Driver
Our mobile solutions complement the AdvanTex product range seamlessly with useful components that make life easier.
So there are already solutions for
- driver support
- Field Service Support
- Inventory recording, for example in the hospital
- Mobile expediting in the company
- locker control
They all have one thing in common: they avoid paper - and who likes paperwork? We neither. The environment thanks us for this and ensures a smooth process, which is particularly efficient because all data is recorded directly and is then available to everyone involved.
Our AdvanTex App Service Driver turns the driver's smartphone into an extremely powerful tool that can be used to complete the entire tour.
This already starts when the vehicle is loaded, in that important information is displayed after the tour to be driven has been selected. The loading of the necessary containers is confirmed by a scan of each container, so no more containers can be forgotten. Only when everything is done can the tour start. The device then gradually directs the driver to the customer to be driven to and allows valuable information such as address, opening times, contact persons and telephone numbers to be called up on site.
It shows the driver exactly what needs to be done on site. Unload containers, receive dirty laundry containers, deliver mats and rolls and confirm the number of items straight away in the device, if you pay cash you also collect the delivery straight away by signature on the device acknowledged, all this is child's play with the AdvanTex App Service Driver. The intuitive operation enables even inexperienced drivers to work with the system in a very short time.
All data recorded en route are saved on arrival at the company or, if there is an existing data connection, even when en route Automatically with the central AdvanTex matched. The collected signatures can, for example, be automatically sent to the customer by email as proof of delivery, printed out as a collective receipt for the invoice or made available for viewing in the AdvanTex web portal.
The container data goes into the container statistics and are available for evaluations such as "which containers have not been returned from the customer for a long time" and can be rented if they stay for a long time.
The recorded towel roll quantities are transferred directly to the invoice module and texts recorded on the way are automatically sent by Workflow forwarded to the appropriate customer service representative.
The times that a driver spends per customer on site are important parameters for a tour optimization to be carried out and are difficult to record without such a solution.